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Social Listening FAQs
Social Listening FAQs
Andrew Woodall avatar
Written by Andrew Woodall
Updated over a week ago

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What is the difference between a Social Topic and a Subscription?

Agility users that have access to our Monitoring platform will be able to monitor social content using Subscriptions. If you also have Social Listening, that means you have access to two methods for monitoring social coverage, one under Social and one under Monitor > Subscriptions.

Exactly the same social networks and content is available to both, and by adding a social network as source in a Monitoring topic, you can draw in content from subscriptions and/or Social Topics.

However, there are some differences with what you can do with that content.

  • Subscriptions - Can be added as a source to alerts and briefings; mentions can be saved and edited

  • Social Topics - Single searches can cover all networks; deeper analysis available on impressions, engagement and trends (Understanding Social Listening Analytics)

Both can be included in Reports, although Social Topics have access to deeper analysis.

What is meant by previous period?

Whichever period is specified in the date range filter at the top of the Analytics screen, the previous period will be the same length of time, prior to the current period. E.g., current period is 'Last 3 days'. Previous period is 4-6 days ago.

How do I create and export a social media monitoring report?

Reporting is available and described here.

You can also export any charts that you see within Social Listening Analytics.

Can I save a social mention?

All social analysis and reporting is possible without saving individual mentions.

Users that have access to Agility Monitoring will be able to save their social content to any folder or tag within their Monitoring module.

Can I edit a sentiment?

Not within Social Listening. Users that have access to Monitoring will be able to see their Social content in any matching Monitoring topic searches and save and edit it there.

How many social topics can be linked under a theme?

Up to eight.

How many keywords can each topic contain?

Up to thirty.

Can I limit a keyword search within a specified handle only?

Once you have generated a set of results using your keywords, you can use the filters on the Post Feed and in Analytics to isolate the results from a specific handle or handles. Likewise, you can monitor a handle and then filter the results by keywords.

Is there any content that it is not possible to monitor?

Instagram: Stories

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: Video posts will only show if keywords are matched on any comments around the video.

Facebook: We can monitor public pages on Facebook, not private pages. We cannot monitor groups or individuals on Facebook. Only public pages.

Mentions from Reddit don't seem relevant. Why is that?

When creating subscriptions and searches for content on Reddit, the capitalization of letters has a significant effect on the results. This is due to Reddit's API and is unfortunately beyond our control. When creating a search for Reddit content, Reddit's API will parse a keyword based on its capitalization. When a letter within a single word is capitalized, it will treat the following word as an additional keyword.

Let's take for example a search to find mentions of Coca-Cola. One keyword iteration of this brand name may be "CocaCola". A Reddit search for "CocaCola" will return results for (Coca AND Cola). The words Coca and Cola would have to both appear in resulting mentions but could appear anywhere within the post. This search will be likely to return many irrelevant mentions. In order to receive the desired results, the search should be entered as "cocacola". This keyword search is not case sensitive and thus will return mentions of "CocaCola", "cocacola", "Cocacola", "cocaCola", etc. This will be a much better-targeted search and will return only the most relevant mentions.

If this is unclear and Reddit is an important platform for your monitoring needs, please reach out to Support and we will be happy to clarify further and ensure your search is well-targeted.

What do Moderated and Standby mean?

The system will moderate Social Topics that have an extremely high rate of ingestion. Usually this is due to very broad keyword queries. Moderated Social Topics can be reactivated by the user, but it is recommended that they assess their keywords before doing so.

All Social Topics will go into "Standby" when they have no quota to consume and will be reactivated automatically on the 1st of the next month when the quota period resets and/or new quota becomes available.

Understanding and Managing your quota

Every account has a quota of social mentions that it can generate each month. Your topics draw from that quota throughout each month and then on the first day of each month the quota is reset.

Your social topics will begin to consume your quota as soon as they are active and are generating mentions in your account. You can pause your topics at any time, which will stop them from generating mentions and consuming your quota.

You can see your quota information by navigating to Account > Quota Usage, or from the main page of the Social module.

In the account shown below, my mentions are consuming mentions at a rate of 32.8% of quota. My total quota is 150,000 mentions per month and so far I have consumed 1588 (1% of quota). I have 30 days until my quota resets on August 1st. If this rate of consumption stays consistent for 30 days, I will consume 32.8% of my quota.

Search Archive FAQ

  • Do Social Topics show past mentions?

    A Social Topic in Agility, once activated, will generate results directly from the social media source published from that minute onwards.

    It will not search for social media mentions published before the activation of the Social Topic.

  • What is the Archive?

    As the results in Social Topics are generated, Agility stores them all in our archive. We store many thousands of mentions every day.

    Searching the archive allows users to see previously published content.

  • Can I see all past Twitter content?

    An archive search will only show mentions that Agility users have previously generated with their Social Topics. Not the entire historic Twitter content. Social Topics generate content directly from Twitter and so do search against all future mentions.

  • What are the chances of someone else's previous Topic generating results of interest to me?

    We have many clients who cover regions and industries all over the world, all generating content for our archive. We also have Agility Social Topics set up to populate the archive with a wide range of general and specific industry terms.

  • Why can I switch Engagement Insights on and off?

    Content generated before the launch of Social Listening in July 2022 will come without Engagement Insights. You can toggle these insights on and off to switch between the full set of results and only those with engagement data.

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