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Understanding Social Listening Analytics
Understanding Social Listening Analytics
Andrew Woodall avatar
Written by Andrew Woodall
Updated over a week ago

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Once you have created a social listening topic or topics within a theme, you can begin to use the analytics. To do this, click on the eye shown under your chosen theme.

There are several different areas of analysis available in Analytics, currently arranged under 'Summary', 'Sentiment', 'Engagement' and 'Trends'. Below is a summary of what is possible, along with some examples.

At first, you will see a summary of the volume of posts, impressions and engagements for all topics within your theme.

You can filter your results by several content parameters (e.g. keywords, handles, language) and by engagement metrics, and also change the time period from which the results are being shown.

You will see the figures for the given time period, with trend comparisons to the previous period. The diagrams represent coverage for each network monitored, with the inner circles representing the previous period.

Any charts that you see can be exported:

All topics within the theme will be represented, and you can isolate the results for a single social topic if you want to.

You are able to isolate the coverage summary by social network. The below chart shows the metrics for Instagram, with the chart demonstrating how peaks in impressions and engagement follow the peak in the volume of posts.

You can also review a summary of individual topics.

You can see the top posts according to various attributes, such as Impressions and Engagement,

and, again, isolate by social network to identify the exact content that is generating the results you are interested in on your chosen feed.

The Sentiment tab in Analytics provides you with a breakdown of the identified sentiment within the posts of each social network.

You can review the top posts by impressions, engagement etc, this time by isolating positive or negative posts, and you are also able to isolate the top hashtags and handles, again by positive and negative sentiment.

The engagement tab analyses what we term the applause, conversation and amplification for the posts in your results. The engagement rate is a representation of the level of interaction on a post relative to the audience size. Again, you see comparisons betweent the current and previous periods.

As throughout the platform, each social network can be analysed in isolation, and here you see a breakdown by engagement type.

Again, you can see top posts, hashtags and handles and engagement.

Finally, the Trends tab displays the top posts by engagement, impressions etc, and also the most used hashtags and handles, indicating the hastags and handles which are trending

The most prominent hastags and handles are the ones included in the posts with the most impressions, so these are hashtags and handles which are trending based on the number of potential people seeing the post

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