How to use Agility to identify media contacts and save lists
How to build a list using a Keyword Search
How to use Saved Searches to update your targeted lists
Create a list of outlet contacts or general newsdesk emails
Understanding the status filter and contact badgesWhat Agility means by New, Updated with New Information, New Employment, and Longstanding Contact
Contact and Outlet ProfilesHow to view detailed information for both contacts and outlets
Adding your interactions with media contactsRecord your emails, calls and messages against a media profile
Where can I find the recent coverage from a certain journalist/influencer?How to find recent coverage from a specific contact
Glossary of Media, Outlet/Publication, and Staff TypesDefinitions of the Search Refinements in Discover: Media & Product Types, Market Sectors, Coverage Focus, Target Audience, and Roles.
Where do the figures for Audience Reach in Discover come from?How Agility sources audience reach figures for contacts and outlets.
How can I submit a request to Agility's Media Research Team?Request new or updated contact details for any person or outlet
What are the media markets in Agility searches?
Working with contacts who work for multiple outletsHow to select a different outlet for a contact and add them to a list
Top Contacts per Outlet
How Agility's Monitoring Tools Power Media Outreach