What is PR CoPilot?
Within Agility's email distribution tool, PR CoPilot is now available to help with your content creation.
PR CoPilot uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to create original email and press release content for you in a matter of seconds - saving you time and helping you to generate and structure the content you send to the media.
Using PR CoPilot to refine your own content is covered here.
How do I use PR CoPilot?
PR CoPilot is a powerful and remarkably easy to use tool, which you can use to draft your entire email from subject line to contact details, generate a draft for the text body of your email or suggest subject and preview lines according to your email content.
Drafting your entire email
When you create a new email distribution, you can switch PR CoPilot on if you want to use it to draft your entire email.
Based on a brief key message and a choice of tone, PR CoPilot will generate all the content for your email components…
You can include several key messages, and specify quotes to be included in the content. If you don't include a quote, the tool may generate one for you, so it is important to review this with care.
The settings allow you to specify the format of your content, press release or email, the tone of your release, and the length. You can also ask for your release to be written in any of 13 languages. There is even the power to use key messages written in one language and produce a press release in a second language, meaning you can create content in 13 languages, whether you personally speak them or not.
By clicking Generate, you instruct PR CoPilot to get to work...and in a matter of seconds your original content will be written, based entirely on the key messages, quotes and settings you have provided.
It is important that you review what the PR CoPilot has created and use the content carefully. You are asked to acknowledge a Disclaimer making this point.
You can ask the tool to Regenerate if you want to have another attempt. When you are happy, you can apply the content to your chosen template for further (human or AI) refinement.
2. Draft your email body text
Within a text component of an email distribution or newswire, you will see the button to navigate to PR Co Pilot.
Within the tool, you can provide a Key Message, and then as much or as little further guidance as you wish.
By clicking Generate, you instruct PR CoPilot to get to work...and in a matter of seconds your original content will be written, based entirely on the key messages, quotes and settings you have provided.
You can ask the tool to Regenerate if you want to have another attempt, or click Apply and your content will be inserted into the text component of your email.
Once your content is in the email distribution window, you can use PR CoPilot's refinement tool to adjust it further if you wish. Using PR CoPilot to refine your own content is covered here.
3. Using PR CoPilot to write a Subject and Preview Text Line
PR CoPilot can also review the content of your press release and suggest a selection of Subjects and/or Preview Text for you to choose from for inspiration.
As soon as you have content in a text component, you can use the PR CoPilot pencil icon to make the suggestions.