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How to use Saved Searches to update your targeted lists
How to use Saved Searches to update your targeted lists
Andrew Woodall avatar
Written by Andrew Woodall
Updated over a week ago

A saved search returns every contact in the database that matches your search criteria. A targeted list contains only the contacts that you have chosen to save to a list in your account. Agility will never add contacts to your lists, and will only remove contacts whose profiles are removed from the database.

It is saved searches that are live and help you to update your targeted lists with several available options:

  • Check which contacts are already on your lists

  • Check which contacts are new to the database

  • Check which contacts have recently been updated

  • Review the profiles and recent coverage of each contact

Our suggested practice is to have a saved search for every targeted list, or related lists. E.g. a saved search to generate healthcare media contacts in general, and then targeted lists of contacts in each region or media type to help you fine tune your outreach.

As soon as you enter any search criteria, or when you view the results of your search, you are given the option to save it by selecting Save Search at the bottom of the screen. To enter a previously saved search, go to Saved Searches under Discover at the top of the screen, or on the left-hand panel.

By clicking on any of the results, I see their profile on the right-hand panel, which I can expand to reveal further information about them and their outlet. The blue icons alongside the personal profile take me to their outlet details, any of my lists they are already on, their recent coverage and their social media feed.

If you want to check whether the contacts are already on any of your lists click the dropdown menu above the contact profiles which says 'Select List(s) to add contacts to' when you hover over it. Then select the list you wish to check the contacts against. In the screenshot below, two contacts have blue ticks against them to show me that they are on my chosen list, 'Beauty & hair care'.

If I want to further filter those not on my list to show only contacts that are new to the database, I select the Status filter, New Contacts and any date. This screenshot shows me which contacts have been added to Agility since June 30th.

To add any contact to a saved targeted list, I simply select the contacts and the orange icon to add selected to list(s).

With 'Beauty & hair care' already selected, the contacts will be added to that list. If no list is selected, I am presented with the option to select from all lists or create one anew.

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