From time to time, our users may find themselves unsubscribed from Agility's emails. This can happen for a number of reasons, but for this article we'll focus on the quickest way to correct it. You may be unsubscribed if you find you don't receive test emails from your distributions, confirmation emails, alerts or any other system-generated emails from Agility. To fix this, please follow the five steps below.
Step 1: Find the last email you successfully received from Agility
Step 2: Click on the "unsubscribe" button in the footer of that email.
Step 3: Click "View Opt Out Preferences"
Step 4: Change the opt-out preferences to "NO"
Step 5: Save Preferences
After completing these steps, you should once again be able to receive Agility emails! If this is not effective, or you're unable to find a successfully received Agility email, please reach out to us on support for assistance. We are able to re-subscribe you ourselves, but the turn-around time on this request can vary from 1 to 3 business days.