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Regarding Private Data and Best Practices

Best practices, more on private data and role addresses.

Junivere Hababag avatar
Written by Junivere Hababag
Updated over 5 years ago

Existing files of contact data that users wish to import may need to be updated and modified to work in Agility. Aside from updating to the .CSV & .SCSV file types referenced in the import process step, below are additional considerations users should take into account with respects to the actual data for their contacts.

  • A contact’s first and last name, as well as an email are the only required data fields; Agility uses these fields to match to our database records if possible. If you have no data for these fields, even a place holder, the entry in question will fail to import.

  • Phone and FAX number fields should be formatted as text fields prior to upload in order to avoid any formatting errors that may occur due to variations in number spacing and format.

  • To streamline the import process, it’s recommended to make sure all lists are in the same format and have the same number of columns. This will allow you to assign columns once and then apply the selections to the other sheets.

  • Imports can take some time depending on how many lists are being processed at once. Agility will allow the user to continue working while items are being imported behind the scenes.

  • Agility will send a detailed email notifying you of the status of your import by file and any issues with the contacts (succeeded, failed, partial failure due to lack of data, etc.)

Regarding the usage of role addresses for contacts

A “role email address” is one which represent either a group of people within a company or the entire organization itself and are generally designed with a specific function in mind.For instance, an address for would serve the purpose of catching all emails regarding interest in active employment opportunities and direct them to an appropriate team or department within that company.In some instances, role addresses can notify multiple people at once, and the person(s) in charge of monitoring these email accounts can change unexpectedly.

Examples of role addresses include:









Can I send to role addresses in Agility?

In order to protect the reputations of our clients as senders of emails, we can no longer allow the practice of sending to role addresses.When someone signs up to receive emails at a role address, they are also signing up everyone else with access to that address which can lead to problems such as higher chances of your messages being marked as spam and unsubscribes from future correspondences.Just because one person under the role address has given permission to receive messages does not mean everyone else under the email account did as well.

Overall, role addresses are not good email contacts. The people in charge of those accounts can change at any time, they generate more spam complaints, and they can even cause an IP address or sending domain to be blacklisted.

Role addresses are generally listed on public-facing web pages which can make them very susceptible to harvesting bots (special software used by spammers that search the Internet for email addresses).This also means that contact lists from certain services can also run the risk of including a high percentage of role addresses in them.

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